ORCID Consortium

The ORCID Consortium includes 17 leading scientific and educational institutions. Zhytomyr State University has been a member of the ORCID Consortium since 2022.
The main objectives of the consortium are:
- Ensuring automated data exchange between different systems and institutions at any stage of the research life cycle (e.g., filling out a grant application or submitting a manuscript to the OJS automated system, etc;)
- improving the quality of metadata (accuracy, consistency, completeness, relevance);
- Ensuring effective data collection and reporting, which can contribute to an objective reflection of the state of the scientific sphere;
- Improving the country’s research image by optimizing the visibility and openness of research results, creating opportunities for international cooperation and ensuring access to science;
- use of generally accepted research data management practices.
Consortium of Universities of Greater Volyn
Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University is one of the honorary members of the Regional Association of Universities of Greater Volyn, which includes the National University of Ostroh Academy, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, and Rivne State Humanitarian University. This association was established to revive the educational traditions of the universities operating in the historical Volyn region, as well as to enhance their own professional, educational, and research potential.
The main tasks of the Regional Association of Universities of Greater Volyn include:
- to exchange leading experts for special courses and individual lectures;
- organize internships, professional development and retraining;
- exchange information databases;
- conduct joint research in various fields of science;
- publish joint monographs, articles, textbooks, manuals, and other scientific and educational literature;
- to exchange students and teachers during industrial and educational practices;
- organize joint expeditions to study the peculiarities of Volyn’s folk culture and language, collect and record folklore, rituals and the language of Volyn residents, etc.
Consortium of Ukrainian universities with the University of Warsaw

The Consortium of Universities of Ukraine and the University of Warsaw includes 11 leading higher education institutions. Zhytomyr State University has been a member of the Consortium since 2009. The goal of the Consortium is to develop “Eastern Studies” and to support Eastern and Central European studies in the region.
The consortium carries out:
- training students in Warsaw for master’s and postgraduate courses;
- training of researchers within the framework of the University of Warsaw Oriental Studies;
- Participation in winter and summer schools, scholarship programs for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students;
- organizing research competitions, conferences and seminars.
Eastern European Network of Universities

In December 2014, the Rector of the Ivan Franko State University of Zhytomyr, Petro Saukh, visited the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, where he signed an agreement on the establishment of the Eastern European Network of Universities.
The purpose of the Network is to partner in research, educate students and develop scientific contacts.
Cooperation between European partner universities will be implemented in ten main areas. Among them:
- joint application of international grants and research projects;
- exchange of research and implementation of educational services;
- use of infrastructure and joint ventures;
- implementation of joint projects that include international training;
- exchange of students and scientists;
- promoting cooperation between universities and institutes in the sector;
- actions to support national, religious and ethnic minorities;
- preparing joint conferences and symposia;
- preparation and release of joint scientific publications;
- support for the organization of joint cultural, artistic and sport events.
The heads of universities from Poland, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine signed the historic document establishing a new international association of higher education institutions. In particular, Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani Tbilisi State Pedagogical University, International Independent University of Moldova, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Khmelnytsky State University, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, National University of Ostroh Academy of Sciences, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin was elected the leader of the association.
The structure of the network consists of a Board of Partners and a bureau. The decision-making center is the Network Council, which includes the rectors of the participating universities. The main goal of the Network is partnership cooperation in the field of research, student education and development of academic contacts between educational institutions. Aspects of the association’s activities include joint implementation of international grants and projects, establishment of international studies, organization and holding of joint scientific conferences and symposia, preparation and publication of scientific collections, exchange of academic and administrative staff, cooperation in the field of culture and sports.
International Consortium of Universities

On 23.04.2015 in Uzhhorod, 14 representatives of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions signed a Memorandum on the establishment of the International Consortium of Universities. Uzhhorod National University became the coordinator of the Consortium.
In addition to the Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University, the Consortium was joined by the following institutions: Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland), Gumilev Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan), Vasile Goldis Western University (Romania), Babes-Boiai University (Romania), Bratislava University of Economics (Slovakia), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), Mukachevo State University, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukrainian Catholic University, Augustine Voloshyn Carpathian University, and others.
The purpose of the Consortium is to establish and coordinate inter-institutional cooperation in the areas of academic mobility, research, technological development and innovation, and competitiveness on a national and international scale.
Main areas of cooperation between the partners:
- organizing joint conferences, symposia, seminars, and other scientific forums;
- preparation and publication of joint educational and scientific publications;
- academic mobility of students, doctoral students, and teachers;
- developing joint educational and research programs, establishing joint supervision of doctoral students;
- establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with the authorities, business, and other stakeholders;
- development, promotion and implementation of joint projects to national and international donors.
Consortium of African and Mediterranean Universities
The Consortium of African and Mediterranean Universities was established in 2011 to promote academic, educational and research links between universities in Africa and Europe.
The consortium aims to promote cooperation in the education, training and research sector, namely:
- to promote and develop education, training and applied research in the Euro- African-Mediterranean region;
- to coordinate research and development activities, promote innovation, and expand cultural and technological capabilities and resources aimed at improving the quality of life in the Euro-African-Mediterranean region;
- develop forms of cooperation with entrepreneurs operating in the Euro- African-Mediterranean region through completed projects, in the context of national and public initiatives and regulations;
- support the development of professions and the territorial, structural and human resources of the respective region;
- create and manage structures and services related directly or indirectly to university activities.
Ukrainian Social Research Consortium
On August 25, 2020, Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University became a member of the Ukrainian Social Research Consortium, a public union whose activities include:
- conducting surveys that measure social attitudes and behavior;
- creating a basis for broad involvement of specialists — doctoral students, postgraduates, and undergraduates — in conducting socio-political surveys, both empirical and theoretical, of current problems of Ukrainian society;
- involvement of scientists in the implementation of specific research programs;
- expanding the areas of scientific activity of higher education institutions;
- creating appropriate conditions for postgraduate and doctoral students to organize and conduct socio-political research.
Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN)
On 24.02.21 the University became a member of the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN) — a network of universities in the Black Sea region, which united 110 universities from 12 member countries of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization. At the meeting of the BSUN Executive Committee, the University was represented by Rector Halyna Kyrychuk.
The network was established in 1997 to develop cooperation and interaction in the educational, scientific and cultural spheres. The BSUN activities are aimed at achieving the goals of the BSEC and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (PABSEC) to transform the Black Sea region into a region of peace, freedom, stability and prosperity through mutual cooperation. The BSUN network cooperates and maintains contacts with other international and regional associations of local authorities, the BSEC Business Council, the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank, and the International Black Sea Club.
International cooperation contributes to the reform of the university and covers:
- organization of scientific research;
- international scientific and technological exchange;
- innovative development of the university;
- promotion and harmonization of the national higher education system with the European one;
- quality training of competent specialists;
- creating conditions for increased mobility;
- expanding the autonomy of higher education institutions.
Interinstitutional Consortium of Ukrainian Universities
On 24.06.21, a celebration was held to mark the signing of a memorandum on the establishment of a consortium of higher education institutions, which included the State Higher Education Institution “Pereiaslav-Khmelnytskyi Hryhorii Skovoroda State Pedagogical University”; Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University; Drahomanov National Pedagogical University; Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University; and Taras Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Collegium”.
The Consortium was created to establish and coordinate inter-institutional cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture, including the implementation of joint programs of academic mobility, research, educational and methodological developments and innovations, and to increase competitiveness on a national and international scale.
The main areas of cooperation between the partner parties are:
- exchange of experience in the fields of education, science and culture that are of interest to all parties;
- organizing joint conferences, symposia, seminars, forums and other events;
- preparation and publication of joint educational and scientific publications;
- creation and implementation of academic mobility programs for students, applicants, faculty and administrative staff of the Parties;
- establishing joint supervision of doctoral students;
- development, promotion and implementation of joint programs and projects at the national and international levels;
- ensuring a high level of joint educational, scientific and methodological development;
- ensuring quality training and retraining of academic staff, administrative staff, and higher education students through the effective use of the pedagogical, methodological, and scientific potential of all Parties;
- conducting open lectures, round tables, seminars and workshops by researchers of the Parties and invited speakers: Ukrainian and foreign;
- engaging partner organizations from different countries in joint cooperation;
- disseminating the results of joint activities at the national and international levels (holding joint roundtables, information meetings, conferences, etc., developing and distributing newsletters, posts, etc.).