Faculty of History
The Faculty of History offers exciting opportunities to its students and is at the cutting edge of the study of modern history. We are a friendly, collegial Faculty that values its students as part of our community.

The Faculty of History was established in July 2001, when it was separated from the Faculty of Philology at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University. Initially the Faculty consisted of two departments: the Department of History of Ukraine, headed by Associate Professor P. I. Natykatch, and the Department of World History, headed by Associate Professor I. I. Yarmoshyk. Associate Professor P. I. Natykatch became the first dean of the Faculty. From January 2004 till December 2007, Associate Professor I. I. Yarmoshyk headed the Faculty. Later from December 2007 to July 2008 Associate Professor P. I. Natykatch took up the position of the faculty dean for the second time. From 2008 to 2014, Associate Professor A. V. Shevtchuk headed the faculty. At present, Associate Professor Olexandr Zhukovskyi leads the Faculty of History.
The Faculty offers the following degree programs: a bachelor’s degree program, a specialist’s degree program and a master’s degree program.
Currently, the Faculty consists of four departments: the Department of World History (Head of Department — Prof. G. M. Starodybets), the Department of History of Ukraine (Head of Department — Prof. V. O. Vengerska), the Department of Special Historical Disciplines and Law Studies (Head of Department — Prof. I. I. Yarmoshyk), the Department of Philosophy (Head of Department — Prof. M. A. Kozlovets).
The Faculty of History is comprised of over 50 academic staff members, who both research and teach a great variety of subjects across a broad geographical and chronological scope, which ranges from Ancient History to present day Ukrainian, European and Global History (History of Ukraine, World History, Historiography, History Country Study, Archeology, Ethnic Minorities of Ukraine, etc.).

The Faculty is home to research centers and laboratories, which promote research on the history and culture of the Polissya Region. The Faculty hosts the Zhytomyr Regional Center for European Integration and Euro-Atlantic Collaboration (headed by Associate Professor M. V. Kordon), the Center for Judaica (headed by Associate Professor N. V. Rudnytska), the Laboratory for History of Volyn Research (headed by Associate Professor L. V. Gutzalo), the Laboratory for Visual Anthropology (headed by Prof. V. O. Vengerska), and the Legal Aid Office (headed by Associate Professor V. A. Novyk).
The Faculty of History at Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University prides itself on quality teaching, innovative courses, and impactful research. The staff and teaching programs are informed by world-class research. The students are equipped with adequate knowledge and skills to pursue careers in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, colleges and technical schools, in tertiary educational institutions, in state administrative and local self-government bodies, and in international organisations (both governmental and non-governmental).
The Faculty offers Post Graduate courses at the Department of Philosophy and the Department of History of Ukraine. Currently, research is being carried out on the following topics: «The Right-bank Ukraine, Volyn-Zhytomyr Region at the end of the XVIIIth — at the beginning of the XXIst centuries: Socioeconomic, National and State Forming Aspects», «Topical Issues of Ukrainian and Foreign Historiography Development», «Tolerance and Present-Day Global Order», «Human Existence Trials: Classical and Postclassical Discourse».

The Faculty annually hosts international and national research conferences as well as round table discussions and workshops. It has become tradition for the Faculty to organize the International (All-Ukraine) Volyn historic and regional ethnographic conference, International research conference «Tolerance as a Socio-humanitarian Issue of the Present», International research conference «Poland-Ukraine: Common Way to Freedom», the project «Student-Lecturer Research and Practice Conferences: Answers to Modern Challenges», All-Ukraine research conference of young scholars «Topical Issues of Modern Philosophy and Science in the Globalised World» as well as others. The Faculty also organizes research conferences for students and pupils. The proceedings of these conferences are issued in collections of research articles entitled «Chronicler», «Students Historic Studios», and «Young Ukrainika».
The Faculty’s teaching and research are enhanced by a number of active collaborative partnerships, both within the university and with outside institutions from Ukraine and abroad. The Faculty works closely with the following organizations:
- The Institute of History of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine;
- T. Shevchenko Kyiv National University;
- M. P. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University;
- Kyiv National Linguistic University;
- Ivan Ogienko Kamjanetz-Podilskyi National University;
- The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin;
- Academy Ignatianum in Krakow;
- Research and Education Center «Epistem» in Krakow;
- Museum of Polish Army in Warsaw.

The Faculty is greatly proud of its talented students, who develop their research interests through various student research groups. Since 2012 the Faculty has been actively implementing the program «Language Strategies» that helps students deepen their knowledge of foreign languages.
An important part of the educational process is constituted by various psychological, pedagogical, and professional practices. During the archival practice students get acquainted with the State Archive of the Zhytomyr Region and learn how to search and work with archival documents. During their museum practice, students visit the Museum of History of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, the Museum of Nature Department, the Museum of Space Exploration named after S. P. Korolov, the Zhytomyr Region Literary Museum.
During the archeological practice students take part in archeological expeditions organized by the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine.

Students of the 4th Year of study have a law practice in Zhytomyr Court of Appeal, Bogunia District Court, Administration of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Zhytomyr Region, and correctional institutions.
To provide effective pedagogical practice, the Faculty has established close relations with educational establishments in Zhytomyr and the Zhytomyr Region, where students can develop their pedagogical skills.
The students of the Faculty of History take active part in numerous cultural and art events, amateur talent groups, and the Club of the cheerful and sharp-witted. They also participate in sports such as football, tennis, and chess.
Although the Faculty is comparatively young, it takes pride in its prominent alumni. A great number of the Faculty’s graduates are effective schoolteachers who work in schools in the city of Zhytomyr and the Zhytomyr Region at large. S. V. Stelnykovytch, I. V. Kovaltchuk, O. V. Markevytch, A. V. Sedlyar, P. V. Opanashchuk, O. O. Khomenko, Y. S. Kondratuk, M. E. Kruglyak, M. S. Babinska, V. S. Pantchenko are all alumni of the Faculty who have successfully defended theses on history and are currently working in higher educational establishments in Ukraine.